The Spirits That Lend Strength Are Invisible
The grandmothers came to me on the wind
the furious wind from the west they came
from the sun as I rocked and rocked
beneath the sky the sky of one color
pale as my baby’s skin and as bright
I saw them and heard them as I rocked
and rocked for dear life coming out of me
coming down slowly out of me as I rocked
back and forth back and forth as he pushed
out of and back into me out of and back into me
The grandmothers came to me and whispered
Breathe Rock Wait Open
they came with the wind out of the sun
they came from their cave hidden in time
from their procession down to the sea
where they prepared me years before in dreams
They came and brought strength and peace so I
could rock into the dusk and on into the darkness
rocking and breathing and fighting the peaceful way
to let my baby deliver himself to me from his cave
their cave that is endless and built of moons
I rocked and I rocked and the grandmothers
came to me and whispered their words of power
to help me through the long disengagement of my son
on wheelchairs cornstalks mops and meteorites
they traveled and turned through the white sky
They gathered around my head in whorls of cooling
fire and they gave me water from the sun that
burned me cool and they took from me my
separateness no longer—not ever—would I be
sola and they eased me open to let out my son
So I rocked forward to become a mother
and backward to join them the ancient ones
holders of life bringers of life
© Gwynn O’Gara. Published in Calyx, Know Me Here, An Anthology of Poetry by Women
The riddle of emptiness
See above. And below.
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